Lyrics III – The Secret Audience

Peekaboo, I see you!

The sun has come so has mommy, mommy, mommy

Peekaboo, I see you!

The sun has gone and so has mommy, mommy, mommy

Scream! Scream! Scream!

Something terrible, messy wet dirty, cold uncomfortable

Sheila I think I hear Brian crying, don’t think he’s dry and –

Why don’t you check on the baby?

Peekaboo, I see you

The sun has gone here’s the hairy helper mommy

Scream! Scream! Scream!

Give it your best shout, let it all hang out, make use of your mouth

Drat I should have checked on him hours ago, hope he won’t break out –

Into a rash; I’d better change his diaper now, must be uncomfortable



His diaper’s full, must be uncomfortable


It is uncomfortable!

Did you change the diaper?

Do we have consensus, is it deactivated?

Do we have consensus, is it deactivated?

Yes, it’s deactivated!

What’s next on the test?

I’m noticing, I’m noticing

I’m deciding

What happened, make a sentence?

I’m noticing, I’m noticing

I’m describing

Apperceiver, I perceive her

I’m noticing, I’m noticing

I’m prioritizing

Stop noticing, go look away and do something!

I’m noticing, I’m noticing

Peekaboo, I see you

Look away, look away!

Hey! What’s tabled, what’s enabled, what’s active in periphery?

What’s tabled, what’s enabled, what’s active in the negative space

The others, the food

Your friend, your enemy

Make a hypothetical

Of what will happen


If I come upstairs/if I stay downstairs

If I look at him/if I don’t look away from him?

Rejoin the guests, and come on back upstairs, rejoin!

If I don’t come upstairs right now?

Can I do it in the background?

Can I just stay in the basement?

Get out of the bower

Your shower

Do I have to pay attention?

Leap out of your casement

Your basement

Do I have to participate in their conversation?

Get out of the womb

Of your room

Cut this reiteration, get some new stimulation

Get out of the bower, get out of your shower


No one can hurt you

Get out of the womb of your room

No one can hurt you

Except for him he can hurt you

Protect from him he can hurt you!

Take a ready stance!

Enter the gate when your row is called, not until –

Take a ready stance!

Don’t enter the gate till your row is called, not until!

Will they make me suffer?

A conservative aggressive stance

Will they make me suffer?


Send out a sentry then test

Slap him a little

Will I make me suffer

Aggressive stance –

Keep your guard up

Are they approaching

Don’t let your god down

Will she be reproaching

Who’s projecting power

Shrinking or growing?

Who reflects your power

Staying or moving?

Buddy, how’s your favorite fantasy conversation going

Your stance: prepare for battle

Is your ass uncovered, an open zipper showing?

Your stance: prepare for battle

The most noble life of all is to fight the dominant culture

Sacrifice yourself

Prepare for battle

The most noble life of all is to fight FOR the dominant culture

Protect yourself

Don’t show your weakness

Your stance, prepare for battle

Who’s just a gadfly

Prepare to run the Preakness

Your stance, prepare for battle

Will they notice if I –

try to further this conversation

Are they noticing?

While thinking about power balances?

Could I further this conversation

While zoning out

From parsing grammar and tone, alone, alone?

Can I slip in a doze in public?

Can I lay in repose in public?

Can I bring you a rose in public?

Can I take off your clothes in private?

Can I slap at my foes in public?

Can I tell you my woes in public?

I can’t play with my toes in public –

Have to pick my nose in private!

Can I gain admission?

Could I get submission?

Do I have permission – to scratch!

Will he notice if I scratch it?


Do it


Say it: I scratched it

I noticed that I scratched it

I noticed that he scratched it

Did he notice that I scratched it?

I noticed that I noticed that he scratched it


Stop the recursion! Stop the recursion! Go look away or go on an excursion!

I noticed that I noticed that I noticed that I noticed…

That which inflates the symbol of the I

That which conflates the symbol of the I

That which creates the symbol of the I

Is just the symbol of the I

That which observes the symbol of the I

The system

That which preserves the symbol of the I

The system

That which conserves the symbol of the I

The system

Is just the symbol of the I

Porn is going into the living room to get a drink when you should be writing!

Porn is stroking your distant memory to take a break when you should be listening!

Are we on the same path, are we on the very same path?

Pay attention, pay attention, pay attention

Is there anything urgent?  (No.)  Is there anything different?  (Where’s the key?)

Pay attention, pay attention, pay attention

Are we on the same path, are we on the very same path?

Pay attention, pay attention, pay attention

Is there anything urgent?  (Maybe.)  Is there anything different?  (Lock is green!)

Pay attention, pay attention, pay attention

Don’t worry, pay attention, what’s different

Is it important?

Is it familiar?

Is it stimulating?

Is it titillating?

Or threatening you?

Where’s the key?  The lock looks different to me!

Are we on the same path, are we on the very same path?

Pay attention, pay attention, pay attention

Is there anything urgent?  (Daydream.)  Is there anything different?  (Look away!)

Pay attention, pay attention, pay attention

Don’t worry, pay attention, what’s different

What’s the theme?  Is it “Who’s looking in at me?”

Are we on the same path, are we on the very same path?

Pay attention, pay attention, pay attention

Is there anyone looking in?  Is there anything different?  (Turning gray!)

Pay attention, pay attention, pay attention

Don’t worry, pay attention, what’s different

Is it important?

Is it familiar?

Is it interesting?

Is she undress –

Rack focusing – at the projector in a heath ed class

Rack rack rack rack rack rack rack

Rack focusing – what kind of tests do I have to pass?

Can you look at me in the right proportions?

Do you look away in the right proportions?

Do you work and play in the right proportions?

Listen and say in the right proportions?

Can you sublimate in the right proportions?

Is your body on straight in the right proportions?

Can you marginalize those who you came from to be with this?

Can you marginalize those who you steal from to feed our kids?

Can you marginalize those you take meals from to please our ids?

One, how graceful, two stable, three, is your program sexually able?

I’m gonna drop the spoon, test your expectations drop the spoon

Four, are you a fighter, five, or just a hider? Hey kid, by the way, are you a provider?

Will mommy pick it up, test your favorite theory, will she pick it up?

I don’t wanna be confronted with your desperation

I don’t wanna be confronted with my own past desperation

I don’t wanna be prevented from swimming in the deep end

I don’t wanna be impotent like a baby or an old man

Could I be included with you, could I mate with the group of you?

Can you discriminate well?

Do you have self-confidence?

Can you discriminate me from them?

My pleasure is revocable, revocable, revocable

Do you have self-confidence?

Are you aggressive enough to overcome obstacles I put up

Are you impressive enough to get around obstacles they put up, can you –

Hide your aim, hide your aim

No, I’m not really looking at you, I’m not really looking at her

No, I’m not really hunting you, I’m not really haunting you

My goal is to impress you

So you don’t notice that right now I have a dream (to divest you of your jeans)

My means is to hide my aim

What is your current theme?  What is your new emerging meme?

Hide your aim

Your failure to win her, your fail

How does it affect all your processing


What’s the moral of this story?  What can I take home from it?  Will my persistence ever pay off?

Hide your aim hide your aim hide your aim?

What’s the moral of this story?  What can I take home from it?  Will her resistance ever break?

No –

Matter how pretty of an arch you build, this bird will never come to ya!

She will never surrender to someone that she feels chased by!



So sorry, Charlie

She will never surrender –

Is there any way I can update her file

When I came to the new lock –

How has your file been updated?

Mommy, I’ll be a good boy; can I come out now and play with you?

Is there any way I can change her mind?

What atavistic fears, what scumbled memories, Catholic imagery, what past realities?

What does it come with, what does the thought come with

Comes with the thought of me?

I want to be with her, I was a wimp in front of her –

How has her file been updated – I want to file that file –

I want to prove that I’m no longer a wuss – I’ve graduated

…’Duated, ‘duated, ‘duated

Which metonym handle accesses her

What kind of affect colorizes her?

Who’s your childhood anima blister?

Would you rather go down on your mother or your sister?

I still need a babysitter!

Who’s your love making such a signal for?

In mutual semaphore!

Whoever told you nevermore?

Who do you still beggar for?

Is “partner” really a metaphor

For somebody here before?

Is it – someone – in your family?  That you would hanker for

Is it – someone – in your family?  Your sexual canker sore!

What’s your favorite pain?

Hey listen:

Your archetype fantasy scene?


How well does your lover fill your sore?

She was here before, when you weren’t

Feel your sore

She’ll be here after, when you won’t be

How often do you long to feel it?

You’re investigating it –

The mating routine

I saw you simulating it

The mating routine

Too rarely sublimating it

The mating routine

Forever reinstating it –

The mating routine

How settled it are you into your sex house?

What can we                         Brew again?

How can we                          Do again?

Make it new                          Who again?

Meeting you                         You again!

To please you                       Woo again!

Hear my sing                         New again!

Memetically                          Screw again!

Kill the string                        Slew again!

How can you fill and decorate her sex house?

How settled in are you into – Das Sexenhaus!

Do you match my archetypal – match my pattern

Can you play my memory game well?

Replicate a scene, illustrate a scene, simulate a scene, recreate a scene

Can you replicate?

That succeeds for me, That succeeds for me, That succeeds for me, That’s sexy –

Can you play my memory game well?

Match my archetypal, match my archetypal, what’s my archetypal frame –

What’s behind the veil?

Match my pattern, match my pattern, match mp pattern –

Replicate a scene, illustrate a scene, simulate a scene, recreate a scene

Can you replicate?

That succeeds for me, That succeeds for me, That succeeds for me, That’s sexy –

Can I replay the sequins unrefusable

I can’t stop thinking about her

The sequence irreducible

It lifted the neural

Sifted the neural

Drifted the neural

Shifted the neural vines!

A memory tape I made

A memory tape I played

A memory tape I saved

A memory tape I crave

Don’t it feel – don’t it feel – like the top of the morn, like a baby reborn?

Don’t it feel good (yes it do) – to play with your porn

What can you see/ on your TV

Will she come in will she catch me / how can I touch my favorite memory?

Ring!  Who is on the phone?

Quick – put it away!

Ring!  Who is calling from an outside telephone?

Who could it be – someone I couldn’t have apologizing to me?

Who’s your presider?

Who’s the third party?

Where sits Elijah?

Who plays the hidden part?

Who turns your Shangri-La

Is it your peer group?

Into ménage a trois?

Is it your fear group?

Who’s looking in?

Who’s the secret audience?

Who’s looking in?

Is it your family/enemy?

Who’s looking in?

Who’s in the negative space,

Looking in?

Who do you wish would wish were in your place?

Who’s looking in?

Who among the enemies, who among the friends of me?

Hey do you relate to me, now get the heck away from me?

Who’s looking in?

Who among your lovers?  Who among your others?

Reads “Are you my mother?” Plays your older brother?

Wait till your father comes home!

I’m making this for you – just for you, only you – I’m trying to make for you while you’re waiting, mommy!

Who’s looking in?

Who makes you breathe and makes you eat and makes you clean and cleans your make

Who sees you bathe and misbehave? And makes you shave and makes you breed?

Who am I explaining to, complaining to, displaying to?

Defensive to, expansive to, offensive to, presentive to?

Who’s looking in?

I’m noticing, I’m noticing

Notice me, notice me

Can you bear a witness?

Who is the mother and father in your environment, a finger, a lover/provider?

How will I fit in talking to those I most desire?

How will I fit in talking to those I most admire?

Will people come to my museum?

Tell me can you really instantiate your image?

What will become of my museum?

Tell me can you really, from imaginary whimmage?

Who’m I being defensive to?

Who will reap what we sow?

Who’m I being presentive to?

Collective superego –

Would you like to be closer to its instantiation?

Fill in the gaps – different info?

Let’s make a deal, deal

Is the distance from your ideals – a source of reprobation?

Fill in the gaps – negative info

Let’s make a deal, deal

Would you trade your current state for a counterfactual state

Let’s make a deal, can you make it real

Let’s make a deal, let’s make a double deal

Hypothesize a future fate, create yourself a new template

Let’s make a deal, let’s make a double double deal deal!

Rationalize away – fill in the gaps – rationalize away – fill in the lacunae!

And in the darkness, when I have reached the podium –

Why can’t you finish what you started?

Was I the artist, or just the gallery custodian?

Have you taken on something too hard?

Have you regard for any readers where you sit,

Or are you dreaming of a secretariat-

Covening in Three Thousand Fifty Two?

I have wuss procedures like cleaning my room, or making up coffee, or taking a whiz when I don’t need it

Did M. Mussorgsky write this way?

They’re things I can complete when it’s too hard

Maybe so

I don’t think so!

I have wuss procedures like twitching my nose, or stroking my beard, or biting the skin around my fingers

Did Jackson Pollack paint this way?

They’re things I can complete when it’s too hard

To get the blood flowing

Maybe so

I don’t think so!

That is, to get the flood blowing –

Maybe so

I don’t think so!

To get the slip slipping!

Even so, they did drink so…

I have twin fears of stasis and change –

Which is to say,

Of dying.

What’s the balance?

The real condition that I solicit: can I get the others to clap?

Can I get the others to crap their clap for me

For those of you hoping maybe that I’ll leave, please be assured that the feeling is reciprocated

Eventually I hope you’ll reflect my hyperbole back to me.

My waistline is making bold new advances in circumference, now –

My thinning hair is a shock! to my sense of time-abundance, now –

Will I make a debut

Like Orson Wells

Will it take me to debut

As old as Grandma Moses?

Who’ll I’ll have been

Only time will tell –

After my win –

dow closes!

Who do you want to be after you die?

Who do you want to have been, B, after you die?

Gotta minimize the discrepancy between it and the present scene

What do you want (Them!) to say after you float away…

“He really worked hard!”

“And he could put it all TOGETHER!”

“To leave a valuable DOCUMENT!”

So I can have my grandchildren hear me saying this to you, future person:

“I thank you for the GRAND PRIVILEGE of entertaining you, future person!”

So that you may take this hypostasis from the sediment

And then you may say

Voices harmonized,

His statement wasn’t illegitimate

Nice and formalized!

And then you may say

“Kilroy was here, so what?”

He’s at the garden of the truth-fruit

“Boy sees brassiere, so what?”

But then I may say

“Noise for whose ears, so what?”

Who are the cherubim that guard the fruit?

Men like –


Beethoven –

What will the critics say?

Beethoven –

What will the students play?

Beethoven –

Will my parents say?

Brian Felsen –

Shame!  Shame!  Shame!

For even mentioning his

Your name!

My name!

We want our children, that we identify with, that which we create –

To live an edenic life…

But to honor us for it when we’re gone –

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